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Limited edition white vinyl.Limited to just 100 numbered copies.

There has been a delay on this release due to the manufactures.

They are expected to be ready and shipped from source by the 31st May. 

I'm excpecting them in optimisticly around June. 

Apologies to those that have pre ordered, but this one is up in the clouds, but no fault of Lee's at Fantasy Enhancing, Im sure he'd have used stronger language....   

Lorenzo Montanà | Dunuc | Ltd. White Vinyl

Артикул: TBC
  • 1. Screen001 - 06:36
    2. Screen002 - 07:07
    3. Screen003 - 07:57
    4. Screen004 - 07:17
    5. Screen005 - 08:59
    6. Screen006 - 11:06
    7. Screen007 - 08:01

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