Another Spectacular Space Music release from Jeff Pearce in the US.
Bandcamp reviews...
"It's always a good day when Jeff releases new music."
"Jeff, this is a great new release and reminds us all of the inspirational stories behind your songs. Thanks for sharing your heart-felt musical compositions with the world. God bless 🙏 Favorite track: Of Nostalgia and Goodbyes."
"Love more guitar ambient music, some of my favorite works from Jeff. Favorite track: Only the Stars Remain."
"Superb release, Jeff! It's always exciting to see a new release from you. Appreciate all the stories behind the pieces, as well. Favorite track: Only the Stars Remain."
"Hi Jeff your music is fantastic been following you for a long time and I will never stop hope you will play live one day in Norwich UK ( I can always dream ) keep well and never stop producing such wonderful music all the best Russell."